
Hey there! I’m Kirsten, nice to meet you.IMG_9785.jpg

I’m a 27 year old Alberta girl (whatever that means), and writing has always been a way for me to express myself. The written word does for me what spoken words can’t always do.

When I first started blogging, I had no idea what it really was or how it would become one of my favourite past times. Over the years, I’ve had chances to write things that have touched people I have never met. I am amazed when words I write can connect with someone I don’t even know. I’ve written about love, break ups, death, grief, and finding myself again and again.

I don’t profess to be an expert on much, but I like to learn, discuss, and look at the world with a curious eye.

I love sunshine, my cat named Felicia, friendship, ocean documentaries, good food, and running (usually). Deserving of a category all her own is my niece, Hailey. Her arrival has been life-altering in more ways than I could ever have expected.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I hope you find something here for you.

You can find me on Facebook (The Official Kirstanley) and Instagram (@theofficialkirstanley) where I post more day-to-day content (and hopefully someday video content!)